What can we do for you ?


Services to excel

Our focus is to deliver a good product. We know that for a product to work properly, good services are essential.

Centillien has various services for organizations to help them implement Computer Vision. The services are aimed at the various stages in which a project can find itself.

This must take place in a structured and logical manner. In the first phase, it must be determined whether a solution fits well the business requirements. Sometimes specific adjustments have to be made and of course the whole thing has to be put into production in a manageable way. We can offer support in all these phases.

AI software for the Retail

Orientation and planning

In order to be and remain competitive in almost all markets, intelligent software has become necessary for success. A popular approach nowadays is learning by doing. Define a use case for your industry and invite companies and startups to make it a reality. While this is an interesting approach, it still requires some work. The company must have a vision of Artificial Intelligence and the business must understand and embrace the concept. For this you may need to get some advice. With years of experience in consultancy and architecture, we can help with this. For those who want to get started faster, an inspiration session can be considered. Here we outline in a short time what Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision is about and what possibilities they offer. With helpful ideas for various branches. In the second part, we take a closer look at the possibilities for the company.

Proof of Concept development

With our computer vision platform Intra we can quickly create new applications. This is useful for making a proof of concept. A small-scale test environment that demonstrates that it is feasible to implement. It is wise to build in such a step in completely new applications. Although the methods, models and software for Computer Vision are robust, we often see that application in a sector has its own challenges that are crucial to its success. Our Test driven development approach improves the stability of the final products and reduces the time for debugging substantially 


Development can mean actually writing software or training models. But it can also be developing the concept into a product or service that a company needs to work successfully with AI. We aim to develop general solutions for businesses, but need customers in the initial phase to determine what is exactly required. Please help us doing exactly that. 

AI sees people through walls

Implementation and maintenance

With a product like Intra you can purchase maintenance and updates as software assurance. We keep developing and that way you keep the latest version and the newest features. We host applications in our data center or in the cloud with Amazon Web Services. We can provide a full service level agreement on hosted applications.  

Consultancy services


With machine learning you can make software increasingly intelligent without programming. By adding extra data or a learning function. Less programming or configuring software, more training. Use our standard product Intra for Health, government or industry. We can help you implement this.

Proto typing

Proto typing

Many computer vision applications require specifically trained models. In order to perform detections with high reliability and to define next steps that are meaningful. Tt is often useful to make and test a prototype. Fortunately, this can be done fairly quickly with Intra.

AI development services


Not every application is already available and even with a standard platform it may be necessary to develop. This could be to add a type of measurement or because there are complex relationships between detections. Then you can use our programming services.

AI production services


You can also use our services for production and maintenance. We offer hosting, software maintenance and bug fixing. Once live, it must of course run stable and the users can rely on it.

Why choose Centillien ?

Excellent Team

Excellent team

Our team is truly remarkable. Young, passionate, yet experienced and ready for a challenge. We support multiple programming languages, application and development frameworks.

Excellent support

Excellent support

Good support at predictable costs is the motto here. For standard products, we also have standard prices for support.

Excellent result

Excellent result

Make clear agreements about results, agile development to quickly adjust to changes in business or insights and useful tools change management. Together with our team a guarantee for excellent results.